Deep & Dark Web Advanced Threat Intelligence



NexVision provides military-grade real-time intelligence gathering. Their fully-automated algorithm scours the dark web and social media platforms to uncover information relating to your organisation and targets 24/7/365. Conduct comprehensive due-diligence, secure key personnel and assets and gain actionable intelligence against threat actors all whilst remaining anonymous and protected. The flagship software also gives you a competitive edge against competitors and enemies, allowing you to uncover their activities and motives.

CTI Platform

Fully automated intelligence-gathering algorithm collects real-time data from hundreds of sources (Deep web, IRC, Social Media, Forums & Paste Sites), revealing various risks which empowers organisations to develop proactive risk-mitigation plans and prevent losses before they are incurred. Having wide range of analytics engines, including machine learning, profiling & anomaly detection helps organisations proactively mitigate threats in real time. Detects threats to national security, financial crimes, frauds, drug sales, data leaks, sale of trade secrets and hacks.


Threat Intelligence

Valuable threat intelligence is the combination of timely information gathering, relevant and comprehensive data collection and uncovering the identities of threat actors. This trifecta helps organisations mitigate threats effectively. Query real-life intelligence search in the ever-expanding live database using NexVision’s Target & real-time alerts with actionable recommendations to adopt best practices for efficient and effective decision making. NexVision key alerts function help to identify world-wide threats targeting governments & organisations in real time. It also goes a step beyond to sort information to eliminate false positives and identify threat actors, in an environment where criminals usually hide behind the veil of anonymity. NexVision identifies links between threat actors and reveals vulnerabilities for optimal resource allocation.


Financial Investigations

NexVision is a powerful forensic tool which enables extensive investigations of criminal activity, financial frauds, corruption, money-laundering and sanctions evasion. Visually trace the movement of money through dark markets of the Cryptocurrency economy. We are especially helpful in expediting the due-diligence process, meeting ABC compliance requirements, KYC and AML/CFT financial investigations. Most FIs only rely on basic transaction monitoring softwares and do not plug data from the Dark web and social media.


Geopolitical Risk

To defend against and respond to attacks on key persons and important infrastructure investments, risk analytics and security teams need timely & contextual intelligence. NexVision provides hidden Deep Web data on geopolitical threats and trends. It uncovers attacks in the planning stages so threats can be nipped in the bud. Our social media geo-map narrows the search of key threat actors (individuals or groups) across any region worldwide defined by the user, helping law enforcement to take down threat actors no matter where they are.


Fraud Prevention

Using NexVision for fraud prevention helps detects impersonations which damages brand reputations and harms citizens or customers. It can also prevent counterfeiting of key product lines which weakens the bottomline. Larger-scale frauds such as international entity-wide frauds between multiple people can be more easily exposed and the links between various threat actors can be identified using our platform, preventing losses and scandals.


Manage Third-Party Risks

The challenge organisations face is gaining an understanding of the full extent of their third-party relationships & the associated risks. With NexVision, companies make informed decisions & reduce risks with real-time security intelligence. This is important in the due-diligence process before working with a supplier, on-boarding of new clients, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships and investments to prevent costly losses down the road from an unreliable partner. This can also be used to check on existing relationships to ensure business/organisational sustainability.